VIP Class Notes (Greg)


Viral video of Pakistani student being beaten to death by Chinese girlfriend’s father and brother is fake


Viral: Is the word used for a video or maybe song that becomes very popular very fast

Note about “popular”: We don’t really say “this video is popular”, popular is usually more used for people or things that are ongoing

Scam: 詐欺, a big lie made to steal peoples’ money

Canines: The animal family name for “dogs”

Felines: The animal family name for “cats”

Source: Where something comes from

Example 1: The journalist had many sources he interviewed for this article

Example 2: The source of the problem is your lack of motivation

Example 3: The source of my bad English is my lack of motivation

Motivation: The feeling that you want to do something

Apparent: The probable “something”

Example 1: The apparent reason for his firing seems to be that he came late to the office often.


A conflict can turn into a confrontation but a confrontation can’t turn into a conflict (usually)

Disapprove: Is the opposite of approve

Approve: Means to say something is ok to go forward

Circulate: When something is shared by people in different places

Pedestrian crossing: The path made of white lines where people cross the street

Pedestrians: People walking on the street

To pummel someone: To hit someone many times

Disturbing: Meaning 1: Something that makes you uncomfortable

Meaning 2: Darao

Footage: A more professional word for “video”

A blow: A hit (When someone hits/punches someone)

Intervene: When you try to enter into and help in a bad situation


“place name” is (to the) east/west/north/south OF “place name”

I’m having a business trip in Shanghai right now from Wednesday to Friday

I’m on a business trip in Shanghai right now from Wednesday to Friday -> better

Two kinds or right now: 1) I’m on a trip right now -> could be 1 month, could be 1 year

2) Do this right now! -> Speaker wants this to happen very fast