VIP Class Notes (George)[W/R]

Writing exercise

The average height of both Chinese men and women rose by about 10 cm in the past century.Researchers calculated the average heights of 18-year-olds between 1914 and 2014. In 2014, Chinese adults reached approximately 172 and 160 cm for men and women, respectively.The same as Joey, whose height reaches 150cm while he is 8 years old. As a mom,I believe that the improvement in childhood nutrition has been the most important factor in allowing children to increase so dramatically in stature.

The average height of both Chinese men and women rose up by about 10 cm in the past century.Researchers calculated the average heights of 18-year-olds between 1914 and 2014. In 2014, Chinese adults reached approximately 172 for men and 160 cm for women, respectively. The same as Joey, whose height reached 150cm when he became 8 years old. As a mom, I believe that the improvement in childhood nutrition has became the most important factor in allowing children to dramatically increase in stature.


centimeter : CM

script 电影剧本

lyric 抒情诗

Celsius 摄氏温度

Fahrenheit 华氏的