VIP Class Notes (George) [S/W]


write a story about a day in your school

Today we focused on:

we focused on writing and speaking

Speaking exercise

mr. bean don’t have umberella, he want to make an umbrella , he is making a hole but he sees the bomb, he need to stop that bomb, he used to seissor to cut the red line, but it’s counting very fast, he put 2 put old lady to see that bomb , 2 old lady sees they are very scared , they go into the house, and explode.

mr. bean didn’t have umbrella, he wanted to make an umbrella , he was digging a hole but he saw the bomb, he needed to stop that bomb, he used to scissor to cut the red line, but it’s counting very fast, he pushed 2 old ladies to see that bomb , 2 old ladies saw the bomb and they are very scared , they went into the house, and the bomb exploded.

Writing exercise

in the moing , i wake up half past ten, and wash my face, and brush my teeth, do my homework, mas, english, chinese and chemistry, i had lunch and i comed hear…
i will eat after my class, and then i will go home to wach tv and to brush my teeth, and have a bath and eat my dinner, and i will to sleep.

in the morning , i woke up half past ten, and washed my face, and brushed my teeth, did my homework, math, english, Chinese and chemistry, then i had lunch and i came here
i will eat after my class, and then i will go home to watch tv, and i will brush my teeth, and have a bath/ shower, then i will have my dinner, and i will go to sleep.


chemistry 化学

shower 冲个淋浴

dig 挖掘
making a whole

count 计算


do / did
everyday i do my homework in the morning
eg: he did his homework last week

come / came
i come here twice a week
eg: he came here last week