VIP Class Notes (Georges)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Review some of the new vocabulary and review jesse’s class.


Dependents- People who depend on you for care, usually children.

e.g. That woman has 3 dependents, they are all children under 5.

Neglect- to not care about someone or something.

e.g. I neglected to study for my exam so when the time came, I failed.

Criminal neglect- When you don’t care about someone or something and something bad happens because of it.

e.g.  I think if you leave children at home alone under 5 years old, it is criminal neglect.

Safe- a metal box that you can lock.

e.g. I keep all my money in a safe at home.

Bullets- The things you put inside  gun to shoot.

e.g. You should never leave bullets in a gun.

Aging-  getting older and older.

e.g. Japan is the country with the highest aging rate.

Burden-  a kind of weight OR a kind of problem that you have to deal with.

e.g.  I don’t want to be a burden on my children.

Independent- can take care of one’s self.

e.g. It is better if you can be independent when you get older, so you won’t have to rely on anyone’s help.