VIP Class Notes (Georges)


N/A Continue practising order food, and specific food items


Borders- Where a country’s land begins and ends.

e.g. Canada and the United States share a border. Canada is on the northern border.

What’s passed the northern border/ What’s passed the United States’ northern/southern border? Oh, it’s Canada/Mexico.

Geography- Study of places and capitals.

e.g. My geography is really bad, I don’t know where India is.

Chips- Crunchy snack made from potato.

e.g. If I eat too many chips, my skin gets very oily.

Crunchy/Crispy- A kind of texture that sounds like *critch critch*.

e.g. If green vegetables are fresh, they usually have a crunchy texture.

Lettuce- The kind of green vegetable we make salads with.

e.g. I usually make a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, and onions.

Cucumber- A kind of vegetable eaten cold. (The one you hate)

e.g. I hate when people put cucumber in my food.

Tacos-A kind of Mexican dish with cheese and meat, like a sandwich.

Nachos- A kind of Mexican dish with cheese and meat, made from corn and deep fried (like chips).

e.g. When we go to the bar, we usually order nachos and beer.

Tortilla- A flat Mexican bread we use to make wraps.

e.g. I like to put some lettuce and chicken in a tortilla and make a wrap for lunch.

Texture- They way something feels, especially on the skin.

e.g. I only like to sleep on bedsheets that have a soft texture.


I have writed it- I wrote it