VIP Class Notes (George) [S/W]


write about a day on the beach.

Today we focused on:

we focused on writing and speaking

Writing exercise

in my room it has dask, toy, bad, chir, shilf, box, window. my bad is blue, my shilf is red , my chir is grey, my box is bleak, my dask is yellou

in my room i have a desk, toy, bed, chair, shelf, box, window. my bed is blue, my shelf is red , my chair is grey, my box is black, my desk is yellow

Speaking exercise

today i go to school, then i go there learn english, and i write homework, and then play video game and eat watermelon, and eat dinner 7:00 p.m., i read english after dinner, then i go to sleep. i brush my teeth and wash my face 10 minutes before sleep. i wake up , brush my teeth and wash my face , and then i eat breakfast, and i get t-shirt and short and i go to school 8:00 a.m. and i finish 3:30 p.m. after that i go english class.

Today i went to school, then i came here to learn english, and i will write homework, and then play video game and eat watermelon, i will have dinner at 7:00 p.m.,then i will read english after dinner, then i will go to sleep.
i brush my teeth and wash my face 10 minutes before sleep.
after i wake up , i brush my teeth and wash my face , and then i will have my  breakfast, then i will wear a t-shirt and shorts. i go to school at 8:00 a.m. and i finish at 3:30 p.m. after that i go to english class.


wear: 穿
put on clothes
eg: i’m wearing my t-shirt
i will wear pants

sandcastle :沙滩城堡
castle made of sand on the beach