VIP Class Notes (George) [W]


Write about your experience of celebrating Halloween in Huan Le Gu.


Specific/Specifically-  To be very precise about something and give a lot of details.

e.g. Yesterday, my flight was cancelled but the airline didn’t give us a specific reason why.

Nepal, Kathmandu- (nipuer) A country above India that is a bit poor.

Altitude- The height of something, either a mountain or a plane flying.

e.g. Yesterday, a plane flying from Kunming started losing altitude and the masks dropped.

Mask- Something you wear over your face, either to help you breathe or to hide your face

e.g. If the pollution is very bad outside, I will wear a mask.

Monsters- Something that is not human and very scary like a vampire.

e.g. Some people say if you walk in a forest alone at night, you can see monsters.

Zombie- A monster; someone who has died and come back to life to kill people.

e.g. Many Hong Kong horror movies in the 1970s were about zombies coming back to life to kill people.

Horror-  Anything that has to do with scary things.

e.g. When I go to the cinema, I always watch horror movies.

Vampire- A vampire is a monster that drinks people’s blood.

e.g. I don’t like to watch vampire movies because I can’t sleep after.

Halloween- A holiday in Western countries where people dress up as monsters and ask people for candy.

e.g.  Last Halloween, I went to Huan Le Gu to celebrate Halloween, it was amazing!

Virus-When you catch/get a sickness and feel sick. Your computer can also catch a virus.

e.g. My computer caught a virus so I had to fix it.

Writing exercise

Original (20 mins to write)

Chinese tea has 6 kinds,there are “green tea” “red tea” white tea”.“yellow tea “ “turquoise tea “ and “black tea”.One of them has many kinds also.For example,green tea has “long jing “ “bi luo chun” “tie guan yin”……
In china and japan,to have a tea is traditional culture . If you go to a Chinese traditional house ,listen guqin solo and drink a tea,it’s wonderful .


There are 6 kinds of Chinese tea, these are: green tea, red tea, white tea, yellow tea, Oolong tea,  and black tea. Each of them also has many different kinds.For example,green tea has “long jing” “bi luo chun” “tie guan yin” etc…
In China and Japan, drinking tea is part of the countries traditional cultures . If you go to a  traditional Chinese tea house, you can listen to a guqin solo and drink tea, it’s wonderful