VIP Class Notes (George) [S]


Look for a movie about a person who goes in for surgery but his mind wakes up during the surgery.


Prostitute-  a woman who sleeps with money

Attain-  to reach something; to accomplish something.

e.g. You have to work hard in life to attain your goals.

Paralyzed- when you can moved, either because of an injury or because you’re too scared.

e.g. The first actor to play Superman fell off his horse and became paralyzed.

e.g. When I saw the lion in front of me, I was so scared, I was paralyzed with fear.

Sleep paralysis – When your mind is awake but your body is still sleeping.

e.g. Sleep paralysis is the scariest thing that can happen to you.


one- (ouwan)

 police (puh lees)

Speaking exercise


I see the two movie. One is a Chinese movie, wu ming zhi bei the other is not Chinese maybe American. The other is Ralph Breaks the Internet. Wreck it Ralph. Is name is the english name is no one. Its a story that describes some small guy, some not important guy, this story. It described the different people have this dream. They work hard, but some reason make them can’t realize their dream. This story described de different people when/one is a boss, one is a place/police, and one is robber. a woman can’t move below the neck. these guys story. they are normal people but this story is exciting. One woman want to be a guy which help police to do something.


I saw two movies this week. One is a Chinese movie called wu ming zhi bei, the other is an animated movie from Disney called Ralph Breaks the Internet. The first movie describes some people who have very boring or simple lives and it tells us their stories. It describes these different people who are pursuing their dreams. They work hard, but there is always some problems  that stop them from attaining their goal.  This story describes different people one is a boss, one is a policeman, and one is robber. There is also a woman who can’t move below the neck. these guys story. they are normal people but this story is exciting. One woman want to be a guy which help police to do something.