VIP Class Notes (George) [S]


Do the writing exercise

Next Class Focus


Speaking Task 1-6


Quill- A kind of needle on the

Annotations- footnotes, the small words that are printed at the bottom of a book’s page, usually academic books only.

e.g. The annotations in some academic books often take up a half-page or more.

Omit- To leave something out on purpose, either information or words etc.

e.g. The newspaper omitted the person’s name to protect their privacy.

Speaking exercise

TPO50  Speaking Part 1


the streets around the center is closed/the streets around the center were closed

with my small group of acquaintance/ acquaintance

and we have the same value and opinion/values and opinions

to that where something happened before- a similar environment will allow people to recall things more easily

tropical plant/tropical plants

they did lot work in the classroom/ they did a lot of work in the classroom

which requires him a lot of labratorial work/ requires him to do a lot of lab work

he has a problem in schedule/he has a problem in his schedule

i would like to recommend the solution one- recommend solution one or the first solution

So he can set out half an hours earlier- half an hour earlier


Recall- Ree-cawl


Predators- NOT  PREDETATOR, It’s Pre-dah-ter