VIP Class Notes (George)


Write a short piece about the Crazy Rich Asians book you’re reading, discuss race and culture as you see it.


Fresh off the boat-  Refers to someone who has newly immigrated to a new country and everyone around him (or her) can tell that he is from there because he acts the same (dressing, speaking, eating etc.)

e.g. If you go this part of town, you can see many people who are fresh off the boat. They are all Vietnamese OR Greek OR Moroccan, it’s so obvious.

Assimilate-  how much someone adopts local customs, behavior, and culture, and how much they identify with being a member of that group.

e.g. If you see a person wearing the same clothes, speaking the same language, having the same behavior as a specific group of people, that means the person has fully assimilated into the culture.

Melting pot- An expression we use to talk about people adopting many habits and behaviors of the local culture they moved to, especially America.

e.g. America is often described as the world’s melting pot because people are American first  and then whatever else.

Heritage- Where you parents and grandparent are from, what your background is.

e.g. I have Greek heritage but I was born and raised in Canada.


study in American- study in America