VIP Class Notes (George)


Watch the movie “Sully” and come talk 


Sun Yat Sen- (Xin Zhong Shan) The father of modern China

e.g. Many places and universities are named after Sun Yat Sen.

Barracks- The place where soldiers live.

e.g. Hong Kong  has a very large PLA barracks in Admiralty.

PLA- The People’s Liberation Army, the name of China’s army.

e.g. The PLA has soldiers stationed in Hong Kong.

Deploy- When you send something out for a certain purpose. Usually for soldiers or military.

e.g China deployed 100 000 soldiers when conducting training exercises.

Insidious- When something bad is happening or can happen but is not very explicit.

e.g. The government is working in insidious ways to take over Quebec. For example they send people from other provinces to have babies there and speak a different language than the provincial.

Rigged- (especially for elections) When something is pre-decided but seems like there is a choice.

e.g. Many soccer matches in Europe are rigged, the teams are paid to lose.

Precarious- Something that always has the possibility to go wrong.

e.g.  The crane was spinning very precariously.