VIP Class Notes (George)


See last week’s homework!


Genres- The type or category of MOVIES, MUSIC, and BOOKS

e.g. Some movie genres include romance, comedy, action, drama, documentaries,  and horror.

Kindle-  To gradually light something on fire, OR  to feel the beginning of passion or interest.

e.g. After reading this book, you had a feeling of being kindled/ you felt your soul was kindled.

Sprout-  When a plant begins to shoot up from the ground OR is used to describe the beginning of something.

e.g. When you see this tree sprouting, you know that spring has arrived.

Junkie-  Someone who is addicted to drugs, (not a polite term)

e.g. Yesterday, I saw a junkie on the street begging for money.

News junkie- Someone who constantly checks the news for updates.

e.g. My husband is such a news junkie, he is always checking the news!

Adrenaline junkie-  Someone who really enjoys doing dangerous or exciting things.

e.g. My friend is an adrenaline junkie, he really likes sky diving and bungee jumping.


watching movie- Watching a movie

a little sports– Play a few sports

i will book with my friends– I will make plans with my friends

legal medias- legal media 








political correctness