VIP Class Notes (George)

Next Class Focus

Keep reading the BBC article and review vocabulary


Threaten- when you warn someone you will do something bad against them if they don’t do what you want.

e.g. When I was little I would always threaten my brother that I would tell our mom he ate cookies.

Conservative- They like the old ways of doing things and tradition. (baoshou)

e.g. My grandma is very conservative, she doesn’t want me to live with a man before marriage.

Liberal- open minded and more modern.

e.g. My aunt is very liberal, she wants women to be treated equally and do any job men can do.

Battling-To fight against something.

e.g. I was battling cancer last year but now I am fine.

Publicity- Something that catches the media’s or public’s attention.

e.g. A lot of stars like to do some bad things so they can get more publicity, and become more famous.

Campaign-  (jingxuanhuodong) When you organize people to get together for something.

e.g. We were campaigning for shorter workdays.

Former- Something that comes before.

e.g. I saw my former boss at the cafe last afternoon.

Latter- Something that comes after

e.g. Apples and potatoes, the former is a fruit, the latter is a vegetable.

Audio – Anything that has to do with sound.

e.g. Every class I do an audio recording so I can review at home.

Leaked- When something leaks out, or spills out, it doesn’t stay somewhere.

e.g. I told my friend a secret and it leaked out the very next day.