VIP Class Notes (George)


Breach- When something is broken or penetrated, usually regarding security or trust, can also be something physical.

e.g. There was a breach of trust between the company and their employees, and no one is comfortable with each other now.

Invasion- When someone goes into an area they are not supposed to or don’t have permission.

e.g. Today, there are a lot of cases where governments invade people’s privacy.

SWAT- a group of special police officers that do dangerous missions.

e.g. I used to watch a lot of movies about the American SWAT teams.

Blackmail- When you use information to harm someone or get money out of them.

e.g. The president was being blackmailed by some people.


Apple said they would never sell data to third part, to gain some money- apple said they would never sell the data to a third party

To judge the news fake or not- To judge whether the news is fake or not

We can do my own judgement to decide-we can decide on our own

Some Chinese people don’t cannot judge the news fake or not, just believe that- some Chinese people cannot judge whether the news is fake or not

easy to be shake- easy to be brainwashed