VIP Class Notes (George)


Benefits/Perks- something positive that you gain.

e.g. I have a lot of benefits working for Disney.

Travel Savvy- Someone who has good ways of going about traveling, either saving money or knows good places to go to.

e.g. My mom is very travel savvy she knows the best ways to travel.

Severance Package- a kind of reward package you get when you are fired from a job you worked a long time at.

e.g. My colleague and boss argued over what kind of severance package he would get.

Disgruntled Employees- An employee who is mad at a company and might try to do it harm.

e.g. The disgruntled employee posted all of the company’s emails online.

Airing out your dirty laundry/ Hanging your dirty laundry outside

Showing secrets to the general public or arguing in public