VIP Class Notes (George) [W]


Perm- when you use chemicals to make your hair curly or straight, a verb or a noun.

e.g. I went to the salon and had my hair permed, except now I look like Diana Ross.

Damaged- When something is not in a good condition.

e.g. I permed my hair too many times and now it’s really damaged, it’s not soft and it breaks easily.

Refresh– When you do something to improve a situation or thing or make it a bit better.

e.g. I cut my hair to try and refresh it a little bit.

Split-end– Usually for girls who keep long hair, they will have split end, where the end part of the hair is separated in two.

e.g. I have to trim my hair regularly to get rid of the split-ends.

Trim-When you only cut a very small part of something, like hair or a bush.

e.g. Everyday my boss says I should trim my beard, but I tell him I can’t because it’s against my religion.

Dead Body OR Corpse- The remains of a person, who is dead. Their dead, body.

e.g. The police asked me if I had a corpse in my suitcase because it was so heavy; Jokingly, I said yes. Now I’m in jail.


It’s so weird, there aren’t any trees on the mountain. (present)

It’s so weird, there weren’t any trees on the mountain. (past)

There won’t be any trees on the mountain if the fire continues. (Future)

Writing exercise


These days my body are too itch, because I did moxibustion on my body, and it is a Chinese medicine treatment. I did this in a beauty salon, and the beautician said there were a lot of damp in my body, so I got of rashes on my body, and they were too itch and I can’t stop scratching them. But I’m also afraid of breaking the skin and Leaving a scar. I already had a few of small scars, so I should be careful of this and don’t let them get bigger. But according to my life experience, I think they will disappear soon or later.


These past few days, my body has been feeling too itchy because I went for a Chinese medicine treatment. I did this at a beauty salon, and the beautician told me that I had too much humidity or dampness inside my body. So after she gave me the treatment to pull out/draw out some of the humidity, I started getting rashes all over my body. These were very itchy and I couldn’t stop scratching them. But I’m also afraid of breaking the skin and leaving a scar. I already had a few small scars, so I should be careful of this and not let them get bigger. But according to my life experience, I think they will disappear sooner or later.

Speaking exercise


Hi Georges, are you at/in the office today?

Are you here today?

Are you here now ?

Are you working today, are you working in the office today?

Will you be in the office today, will you be here today?