VIP Class Notes (George)


Try and write a small piece using some of the new vocab.


Crunching numbers- When you concern yourself with counting numbers and finding a bottom line.

e.g. My boss usually asks me to crunch the numbers at the end of every tax season.

To grieve/Mourning-The feeling of loss you experience when a loved one dies.

e.g. After his wife passed away, he took time off of work to grieve/to mourn.

To Cope-To be able to withstand something difficult.

e.g. I usually cope with stress by doing yoga in the morning.

e.g. She was not able to cope with the death of her husband because she was too emotionally fragile.

Veterans- soldiers who have finished fighting a war and returned home.

e.g. In the US, many soldiers suffer from PTSD, they have a hard time returning to normal life.

To trigger- When something happens that causes something else.

e.g. Loud noises might trigger bad reactions in people who suffer from PTSD.

Perpetuate- To expand and continue  something

e.g. The internet is sometimes used to perpetuate trauma or traumatic events.

Self-Diagnosis- To try and see what disease or illnesses you might have.

e.g. I went on the internet and self diagnosed my cough, I think I have tuberculosis.