VIP Class Notes (George)


Watch Madmen- American TV Series


Assignment- Another word used to describe homework.

e.g. At my company, I often have several assignments to complete every day.

Task-Another word used to describe assignment.

e.g My boss gives me many tasks during the day.

Feature-A certain quality that is specific to that thing.

e.g. One feature of this cellphone is that the camera makes you look much more beautiful.

Punching In- When employees have to record their arrival and departure times from work.

e.g. I often forget to punch in and my boss takes money from my paycheck.

Fraud/Deceit- Something dishonest.

e.g. Some employees commit fraud when they punch in and then leave work.

Laid back- When someone has a very relaxed attitude to something or life.

e.g. My boss is very laid back generally, but is very strict with employees.

Attendance record- 

Compensate- To give someone money as a form of payment for something owed.

e.g. If a company fires you, they have to give you 30 days compensation.

Sunrise- When the sun comes up.

e.g. I love watching a beautiful sunrise.

Resigned- When you quite from something.

e.g. I resigned last week so now I don’t have a job.

Cutthroat- Very competitive.

e.g. Marketing and advertising is a very cutthroat industry.


Competitible Competitive

If they always lateIf they are always late

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