VIP Class Notes (George)

Speaking exercise

mr bean is going to the shop , he see a toy car, the boy like the toy car too , they go to elevator. the elevator is bad, mr. bean go out elevator, his teddy bear is stuck. mr. bean is jump on the elevator is up and down. and mr. bean jump up and down too. the boy don’t buy toy car, he is very sad. mr. bean buy a toy car to the boy. the boy is happy. mr. bean is happy too.


mr bean was going to the shop , he saw a car toy, the boy like the car toy too , they went to the elevator. the elevator was bad, mr. bean went out elevator, his teddy bear was stuck. mr. bean  jump on the elevator, and it moved up and down. and mr. bean jump up and down too. the boy didn’t buy the car toy, so he is very sad. mr. bean buy a car toy to the boy. so the boy is happy and mr. bean is happy too.


stuck: 动不了的

elevator: 电梯

guest: 客人

log: (尤指烧火用的)圆木

hotel: 宾馆

laugh: (出声地)笑

funny: 有趣的

noise: 噪声

loud: 吵闹的

worker: 工人