VIP Class Notes (George)


write about one good shopping experience another bad experience  you faced after checking the reviews

Writing exercise

Every Sunday afternoon, my parents will come to my home. They will bring some food and we will cook together. The dish I cook best is fish soup. Fistly, using slow fire to fry fish until both side of fish become gold. With the help of tongs, fliping can be easier. Then put fish into a pot with boiled water and add some milk, which can make the soup very white and delicious. After cooking for 15 mins, add some tofu, salt and white pepper. Now the fish soup is done. It’s quite simple and very suitable for cold weathers.

Every Sunday afternoon, my parents will come to my home. They will bring some food/ingredients and we will cook it together. The best dish I cook is fish soup. Firstly, fry the fish using/on a low fire until both sides of the fish become gold. With the help of clipper, flipping can be easier. Then put the fish into a pot of boiled water and/then add some milk, which can make the soup very white and delicious. After cooking for 15 mins, add some tofu, salt and white pepper. Now the fish soup is done. It’s quite simple and very suitable for cold weathers.


Customer Reviews – Level 3

The computer giant Apple has removed all customer reviews from several of its online Apple stores. The reviews section was a useful way for customers to leave feedback for other people about Apple’s products. The reviews section on the Apple Store began disappearing last week. Apple has removed the “Ratings and Reviews” section of its online stores across the world. The reviews pages have gone from the stores in the USA, UK and Australia. This means that anyone in those countries wanting to find reviews on Apple products will have to visit other websites. Apple has not yet commented on its decision to remove the ratings and reviews section, so nobody knows why they have taken this action.

The website speculated that the removal could have been a mistake, but then it said the removal was part of a new Apple policy. It said: “Clearly, Apple has decided its online store is better without customer feedback for some reason. Alternatively, the customer feedback system is being overhauled.” PC Mag said Apple used to be very open and allow all kinds of comments, including very negative reviews. It said: “Apple wasn’t shy about leaving extremely negative reviews and ratings up on its store in the past”. It added: “We’re also heading into the busiest shopping period of the year, and Apple online store customers have lost an important source of information when deciding what to buy.”


ingredient: 原料
a food that is used with another food to prepare a dish

speculate: 猜测
to guess a possible answer for a question without having enough information.

alternatively: (用来建议别种可能性)要不
to suggest another possibility

overhauled: 彻底检修
to repair or improve something