VIP Class Notes (George)


Bullet Points

Rational vs Rationale

Rational: (Rah-she-nul) To use good judgment, rather than make a crazy or emotional decision. (The opposite is irrational which means it lacks logic or good judgment)

e.g. Whenever I get mad, I first tell myself to count to ten before I say or do anything, that way, my decision can be more rational.

e.g. My father always taught me to be rational in stressful situations, to think with my head rather than my heart.


Rationale: (Rah-she-naal) Your reasoning, motivations, or the way you understand something.

e.g. Everyone’s daily schedule should be planned according to an efficiency-based rationale.

Hysterical: When you can’t control your emotions and you have a breakdown.

e.g. When I found out I won the lottery, I was hysterical, I couldn’t believe what was happening.

Victorian Period, (UK, Britain) : A very famous period in British history where people put away their emotions.

Corset:  Something that you wear to make your waist smaller.

e.g. Kim Kardashian now wears a corset every day to make her waist seem very small.

Beauty Standards: A kind of rule that says what’s beautiful and what’s not.

e.g.  Victoria’s Secret usually sets the beauty standards for today’s young women.

Homophone: Words that share the same pronunciation with a different spelling.

Homonyms: Words that share the same spelling but with different pronunciations *check that later*