VIP Class Notes (George)


Authentic Experience- Something that is real.

e.g. I wanted an authentic experience so I went to Thailand to have Thai food.

Commission- The money an agent is paid for selling a house or other product.

e.g. My agent asked me for 50% commission on my new apartment.

Mould- The green thing that grows on things when it’s too wet.

e.g. I left for the summer and when I got back there was mould everywhere.

Appliances- Things in a place like washer, dryer, fridge, etc.

e.g. I asked my landlord to buy me new appliances because the current ones are too old.

Laid back- Something or someone that is relaxed and not stressed.

e.g. I don’t like to be stressed, I prefer a more laid-back approach to life and enjoy myself.

Reimbursement- When you give back money someone spent for you in business.

e.g. I paid for my business trip and my company gave me a reimbursement