VIP Class Notes (George)


Medicine- Something you put when you are hurt (yao)

e.g. When I cut my elbow, I put on some medicine.

Band-aid- Something to stop the blood (sha bu)

e.g. When I cut my elbow, I put on a band-aid.

Doctor- Someone who helps you when you are hurt. (yi sheng)

e.g. When I’m sick, I can go to the hospital to see the doctor.

Scooter- an electric vehicle that you play with

e.g. After school, I like to play on the scooter but now my aunt doesn’t let me.

Scrape- To scratch your skin (ca shang)

e.g. When I fell off the scooter, I scraped my skin.

Painful- Something that hurts  (tong)

e.g.  I scraped my skin and it was very painful.

Wrist- The part of your hand that moves, where we wear a watch or a bracelet.

e.g. When I fell off my scooter, I hurt my wrist.

Steak- Meat from cows

e.g. I like to eat steak for dinner, especially hamburgers. They are my favorite.

Speaking exercise


On Tuesday, I was riding my scooter but I went too fast. I flew off, went up, and hit the ground. At first, I didn’t feel anything. I closed my eyes and my mother and my aunt ran to see me. “Are you OK?!” they screamed. “I want to sit on the sidewalk…” I said. I told them “it really hurts on my elbow, on my stomach, and on my hand!” My mother hugged me and took me home and my aunt brought the scooter. At home, my mother called my sister to buy hydrogen peroxide to clean my cut. When she put it on me, it hurt very much and I started to cry. And then my mother gave me the phone to make a douyin video but I kept crying.

When I was young/little, I was in the car,  and I burned my finger with a lighter. It looked black! I started crying and my sister put water on my finger. But mom thought I peed in the car so she was laughing at me.