VIP Class Notes (George)


Read the story about Jamal Kashkoggi with Saudi Arabia.


Resort-  a kind of vacation hotel that includes everything, like food and drinks.

e.g. I like to stay in a resort when I travel because everything i need is inside the hotel.

Tier 1, Tier 2 , Tier 3 cities- This refers to the different economic levels of a city, which is based on GDP.

e.g. Last year Chengdu went from  being a Tier 2 to a Tier 1 city.

Rare- something that doesn’t happen often.

e.g. It’s rare that I go travelling during busy seasons because I hate crowds.

Inequality- something that isn’t equal.

e.g. There is a lot of inequality in the world.

Restrictions- rules and regulations that prevent you from doing some things.

e.g There are a lot more restrictions in Beijing than in smaller cities.

Agricultural revolution- when you could plant things by hand

Geography- what position a place is in.

Saudi Arabia- Shate alabo a country in the middle east.

e.g . Saudi Arabia has been having many problems recently because of what happened to a journalist.


province- praw-vince


Wuhan has been an important city in China for the past one hundred years.