VIP Class Notes (George)


Review the new vocabulary.


Sesame- zima  a kind of seed that we put in food.

e.g. I love to have sesame soup

Fragrant- smells very good.

e.g. When you start cooking garlic, it smells very fragrant.

Sticky rice dumpling- tang yuan

e.g. We normally eat sticky rice dumplings during mid autumn festival

Thick- something that

e.g.  I think sticky rice dumpling

Lotus seed- lianzi

Dimsum- yingcha a kind of lunchtime tea you have in

e.g. I love to go for dimsum when I’m in hong kong.

Skiing-  a kind of winter sport we love to do in Canada.

e.g. I love to go skiing in the winter.

Packed-  when something is very crowded.

e.g.  the subway gets very packed during rush hour.

Down payment –  a very big amount of money you have to give at the beginning when buying a house.

e.g. I want to give a down payment but it’s

Mortgage-  a monthly amount that you have to pay for your house.

e.g. If you want a house, you have to take a mortgage from the bank.