VIP Class Notes (George)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Write something like a story and try to use the words.


Wheat- xiao mai the thing we make bread from. We crush it and make flour, and then add water to it.

e.g.  Wheat is the most popular starch in western countries.

Sweet Potato- hong shu a kind of potato that is orange and sweet.

e.g. In the winters in Shanghai, you can see some people selling roasted sweet potatoes on the street.

Starch- dianfen we use this to make something thicker

e.g.  in many chinese recipes, you have to use some kind of starch to make the food or sauce thicker.

Powder-  fen  something dry that you mix with liquids

e.g. Flour is a kind of powder you mix with water to make noodles.

Liquid-Anything that can fall from a cup like water or oil or soup.

e.g. If you put too much liquid in the soup, it will have no taste.

Thick- chou something that isn’t watery, like congee or porridge

e.g. Good porridge shouldn’t be too thick, it should be a little bit watery.

Porridge/Congee- zhou, a kind of rice soup that many people in China like to eat for breakfast.

e.g. Hong Kong is famous for its congee.

Okra- qiu kui  a kind of long green vegetable

e.g. I like to eat fried okra chips.

Slimy- nian huhu a kind of texture that feels sticky.

e.g. Okra can be slimy if you cook it too long.

Join the club- when you tell someone something that you were trying to do and failed, and they say they also failed at it before you, so they ask you to join their “club”.

Yolk-  the yellow part of an egg.

e.g. Every morning I eat 6 eggs, but I only keep 1 yolk.

Fats-  a group of foods that has high calories in a small amount. Usually oils, butters,  and other kinds of things.

Protein- dan bai  a group of foods that takes a lot of energy to digest and doesn’t have high calories.

e.g. Chicken breast is the best kind of protein because it has no fat.

Digest-  after you eat something and it goes to your stomach, your stomach still has to ‘eat’ so we can that digestion.

e.g. If you eat too much it will take you a long time to digest.

Cardio- any exercise that works your heart.

e.g. Running and jogging are the most common kinds of cardio exercise.