VIP Class Notes (George) [W]


Write a review of a restaurant you’ve been to. Talk about what kind of food you ate, and if you would recommend it to someone or not.


Seafood- any kind of animal or food that comes from the sea or ocean, like crabs

e.g. I love eating seafood, especially when I go to Hong Kong because all of it is very fresh.

Crabs- pang xie

Oysters- mu li

Mussels-  he bang


Salmon- san wen yu

Lobster- longxia


Squid- youyu

Octopus- zhangyu

Scallops- shanbei

Eel- man yu a kind of water snake that Japanese people love to eat.

Curry- ga li a kind of spice that comes from india, also a kind of food.

Garlic- da suan a kind of vegetable that taste very good

Mud or Muddy- tuxingqi Kind of dirt that you find on the ground or at the bottom of a lake or river.

e.g. If I go fishing in the lake, I never eat the fish, because they taste like mud.

Chain restaurant- lian suo dian  a brand that has many restaurants in different locations

e.g. Hai di lao is a famous hotpot restaurant chain.

Writing exercise


Last Sunday I went to Mount putuo to worship Budda with my husband and we spend 7 hours to take a bus to go to there. Actually, it only takes 4 hours to get there But we spend three hours more than before Because it was snowed on Sunday morning and speed highway was closed our bus had to stay on the road until the snow stopped. Mount putuo is an island. After got off the bus and we need to spend 15 minute to take a speed boat to go to the island. I go to Mount Putuo once a year and live on the island for one night and pray for my family health and safety.


Last Sunday I went to Mount Putuo to worship Buddha with my husband. We spent 7 hours on the bus to get there. Actually, it only takes 4 hours to get there But we spent three hours more than last time/usual. This is because it snowed on Sunday morning and the highway was closed so our bus had to stay on the road until the snow stopped. Mount Putuo is an island. After we got off/after getting off the bus and we needed to spend 15 minutes to take a speed boat to go to the island. I go to Mount Putuo once a year and live on the island for one night and pray for my family’s health and safety.