VIP Class Notes (George)


Liquid Courage- An expression that’s used to describe alcohol, because alcohol makes people do things they normally wouldn’t.

e.g. I can only talk to that girl if I get some liquid courage.

RBF (Resting Bitch Face)- When someone has a face that looks mean or angry, but it’s just their normal face.

e.g. People usually don’t talk to me in public, it’s probably because of my resting bitch face.

Mug- A British expression that means someone’s face.

e.g. Why do you have that kind of mug today, what’s wrong?

Neutral-  Something that isn’t positive or negative, it’s just neutral.

e.g. When designing hotel rooms, companies try to make the room as neutral as possible so every customer enjoys their stay.

Contempt- A feeling similar to hatred or dislike.

e.g. People who have RBF often make others think they have contempt for them.