VIP Class Notes (George)


Finish writing topic on page 89 and underline any words you don’t know on page 88.


Rising- When something goes up.

e.g. The sun was rising and the rooster started to make noise.

Rooster- male chicken/boy chicken

Humid- Something that feels kind of wet

Moisture- wetness, water.

e.g. If there is too much moisture if you house, there will be mold

Morning Dew-zhao lu a little bit of moisture that is on leaves and grass in the morning.

Mold-  A kind of bacteria that grows when there too much moisture.

e.g. There was mold on my jacket because I didn’t dry.

Astronauts- A person who travels in space.

Astronomer- this person studies space, planets, moons, and stars.

e.g. I want to be an astronomer when I grow up because I really love planets.

Rare- something that doesn’t happen very often, doesn’t happen many times.

e.g. Albino dogs are very rare, we don’t see them often.

Eclipse- when the moon blocks the sun and it looks like night time outside.

e.g. Eclipses don’t happen very often, they are rare.

Albino- a person, animal or plant that doesn’t have color in their skin or hair.

e.g. I saw an albino squirrel the other day, it was white and looked very cute.

Humps- the camel’s back where they keep water.

e.g. A camel has two very big humps on its back.