VIP Class Notes (George)


Review the new words and do some writing with them if you have time.


Helen of Troy-  the most beautiful women also the cause of the battle of Troy.

Omen-  a symbol or sign of things to come.

e.g. A black cat is an omen of bad luck in western countries.

Abducted-  kidnapped.

e.g. She was abducted and taken away from her family.

Rationale- reasoning or logic

e.g. What is your rational for buying that thing!

Merit-based- Based on the work you put in.

e.g. No one should eat for free,everything should be merit based.

Illness- A disease

e.g. My father went through a long illness but he’s better now.

The Iliad  & The Odyssey – two of the most famous books in history.