VIP Class Notes (George)


Do page 85 writing sample. 

Watch Hatchiko and write a little bit about the story, what you thought about it.


Lamb-  sheep

e.g. I like to eat lamb.

Units of Measurement-  things we use to make sense of something

e.g. Degrees celsius are a kind of unit of measurement.

Degrees Celsius- how we measure heat and cold

e.g. It’s 8 degrees celsius outside right now.

Freezer- the part of the fridge that freezes things.

e.g. We put beef in the freezer to preserve it. It get frozen.

Preserve- to keep something for later, to use it at another time.

e.g. If we don’t eat all the beef the same day, we freeze it to preserve it for another time.

Rash- when your skin feels very itchy and turns red.

e.g. I had a rash on my tummy the other day.

Diet- when you eat fewer things to lose weight.

e.g. I want to lose some weight so I am trying to eat a smaller dinner every night.

Loyal- when you trust someone and do everything for them

e.g. Dogs are loyal, they will follow you and protect you.