VIP Class Notes (George)


Use some of the new words to do some writing. 


Membership card-   a card that gives you discounts because you always use the same group of something to do something

Extraordinary-  not common, amazing

e.g. I think Tom Ford’s designs are extraordinary.

Supreme- the best

e.g. I love the brand Supreme, but it’s too expensive.

Estee Lauder- es-day law-der

Dismiss- to fire

e.g. I dismissed my employee because he was late too many times.

Incompetence- Not being able to do things, not having the skills

e.g. He doesn’t know how to do his job, he is incompetent.

Chalice-  a very beautiful and expensive cup.

Charts-  a picture that shows information

e.g. I have to make a chart for my powerpoint presentation

Committed- They want to agree on something and continue to do that.

e.g.  We are committed to corruption in China.

Pact- contract or agreement

e.g.   I made a pact with the devil.

Objected- When you have a problem with something and want to say your concern, oppose

e.g. He objected against their marriage.

Legitimate-  to be legal, to be real,

e.g. He has a legitimate business buying and selling furniture.

Alternative- different from the usual way.

e.g. Usually, people pay by cash or Wechat, but we offer alternative payments such a visa or bank card.

Mechanism- some kind of system that allows something to happen.

Penalty- a bad result or effect.

e.g. If you drive too fast, you will get a penalty.

Barrel-  a big container for storing liquid.

e.g. in Europe, they still use barrels for the wine.