VIP Class Notes (George)


Review these words and the past lessons, we will quiz them next class.


Veterinarian (Vet)- Animal doctor.

e.g. Vets usually make a lot of money because many people really care for their pets.

Microchip- a small electronic device that has information on it.

e.g. My cat had to get a microchip implanted in his skin before traveling.

Cargo- huo things you transport from one place to another.

e.g. In airplanes they usually put most of the cargo underneath the passenger section.

Traumatized- to have a very bad experience you can’t forget, and you can’t function normally.

e.g. My cat was traumatized after being on a plane for two hours, he didn’t meow for 2 weeks.

Pheromone- xinxisu a kind of hormone that has a smell and attracts other animals.

e.g. Some people believe if they use animal pheromones, they can attract other girls or boys.

In heat- fa chun when a female cat wants to reproduce and calls for male cats.

e.g. When female cats go into heat/are in heat, they meow all the time.

Diaper-  niaobu a kind of underwear babies wear to go to the bathroom.

e.g. I don’t think I want to have kids because I don’t want to change diapers.

Anchor- mao a thing we use to stop boats from moving OR a news anchor is the person on tv who presents the news.(zhubo)