VIP Class Notes (George)


Do the assignment on page 69 for next class (writing the story)


Habitat-  a habitat is the place where an animal lives, outside in nature.

e.g. A fish’s natural habitat is in the sea or in water.

Desert- It’s a place that is very hot and full of sand.

e.g. If you get lost in the desert, you have to call for help because there is no water.

Shelter-  a place that protects us from bad things, like a storm and rain and snow.

e.g. Yesterday my mommy and I were walking outside when suddenly, it started to rain. We had to run and find shelter.

Grassland- It’s a big place with grass.

e.g. Bears sometimes like to live in grasslands

Prairie dog- A small animal, like  a hamster that lives in  the grassland.

e.g. I saw many holes in the grass, it must be the prairie dog.