VIP Class Notes (George)


Think about what companies you would like to work in next year.

Review some of the new vocabulary from this class.


Brand-  pin pai, a specific company making certain products.

e.g. Uniqlo is a Japanese clothing brand.

Racist- zhongzu when you think people from a country or culture are not as good as people from another country or culture, when you say something bad about their culture.

e.g. Some of the things that Dolce & Gabbana said were racist.

Boycott- dizhi when you stop buying or using a product because something made you mad.

e.g. Many Chinese people are boycotting Dolce & Gabbana’s products because of the bad things the designer said.

Controversy- zhelun when something attracts strong emotions or feelings

e.g. Talking about Taiwan and Chinese territory can start a controversy/ can be controversial.

Intentionally- gu yi when you do something and know that you are doing it.

e.g. I intentionally didn’t to work today because I told my boss I was quitting.

Unintentionally- When you don’t do something intentionally, you do it by accident, without knowing it.

e.g. I broke the cup unintentionally. It was just an accident.

Underdeveloped- Not very developed, maybe very simple or poor.

e.g. If you travel to some of the rural areas in China, many of them are still underdeveloped.

Protest-  kangyi jihui when you do something to show that you are mad.

e.g. Some people are protesting in the streets  because they think that taxes are too high.

Expenses- Kaizhi the amount of money that is spent on buying things or services

e.g. Every month my company pays over 500 000 in expenses. We spend a lot of money.

Investment- touzi when you put money somewhere to make more money.

e.g. Right now, I work as an accountant, recording expenses for my company. Eventually, I want to become an analyst and work in a financial investment firm.

Gain more experience- When you learn how to do something and become better at it.

e.g. I want to gain more experience in my current company and then become a financial analyst.