VIP Class Notes (George)


Go over the book together next class and bring the Concise Dictionary.


Demonstrate- When you walk on the street and want to change something because you’re not happy.

e.g. There was a demonstration in Taiwan where people were demanding a two day weekend instead of a one day weekend.

Epigraph-  the first part of a book usually very few words written by someone.

Prologue- The part of a book that introduces the story and the entire book very briefly.

e.g.  You usually have to read the prologue of a book to understand its story, because it gives you useful information.

Epilogue- the part of a book that shows you what happened after the story has ended.

e.g. I don’t like to read epilogues because they almost gives us a whole new story without much details.

Prequel- (qianzhuan) The story that comes before some events take place.

e.g. The Hobbit is a prequel to the Lord of the Rings

Sequel- (xuji) A story that comes after some events take place.

e.g. The Hobbit 2 is the sequel to the Hobbit 1.

Dwarf- A person who is very short, usually because of a disease called dwarfism.

Prefix- the first few letters coming in  a word


Suffix- The last few letters ending a word

ology biology, anthropology, geology.

Corruption- fu bai when people are doing something against the law, like taking money for favors.

e.g. We are against corruption at my hospital so we don’t accept bribes from patients.


the poetry is nalang’s

the poem’s are nalang’s