VIP Class Notes (George)


Write a  review of  the movie Venom you watched recently.


Genre- (leixing)  a kin of type or category

e.g.What is your favorite genre of movie?

Documentary-  (jilupian) a kind of real movie that looks to answer some questions.

e.g. I watched a documentary about fast food in America.

Comedy- a movie  that makes you laugh

e.g. I watched a comedy last night, I laughed so hard.

Horror- something that scares you.

e.g. I watched a horror film last night and couldn’t sleep.

Action- Something that happens very quickly

e.g. Mission Impossible is an action movie.

Romance- when two people are in love, a love story.

e.g. Romeo and Juliet is a romance based on a true story.

Thriller-  Something that makes nervous or a bit scared.

e.g. I watched a thriller last night called Mr Brooks, it was about a serial killer who was pretending to be an old woman.

Orphan- A child without a mom or dad.

e.g. I saw the movie The Orphan and it really scared me.