VIP Class Notes (George)


Review last week’s homework.


Bottling date- When something has been put into a bottle.

e.g. What is the bottling date of the milk they delivered.

Starter/Bacteria Culture-  a kind of bacteria we use to help us make yogurt.

e.g.  I ordered a few packs of starter from taobao, I want to make yogurt this weekend.

Yeast- A similar bacteria we use to make bread.

e.g. I put too much yeast in the dough and now it smells sour.

Dough- When you mix flour and water together.

e.g. You should let the dough rest so it can rise a bit.

Knead- When you work the dough with your hands.

e.g. I was kneading the dough all afternoon.

Ricotta- A type of Italian soft white cheese.

e.g. I like to eat ricotta and tomato over bread for breakfast

Curl- When milk goes bad, when it starts to have pieces.

e.g. I put milk in my coffee this morning and drank it without realizing it curled.

Whey-  A kind of protein produced from the water taken out of yogurt.

e.g. I usually drink whey protein after I finish my exercise

Gelatin- A kind of powder you use to make things thicker.

Cheese cloth- A kind of material you use to make cheese.

e.g. You can hang the cheese cloth over the counter to make thicker yogurt.

Lactose Intolerance-When you can’t eat anything with milk products because you can;t digest it.

e.g. I have lactose intolerance so I can’t eat ice cream.

Enzyme-  a kind of thing your body produces to breakdown other things.

e.g. If you’re lactose intolerant you don’t have the necessary enzymes.