VIP Class Notes (George)


Hierarchy- the rank or seniority between people, how senior or junior you are.

e.g. You must respect hierarchy in your company.

Bribe-  When you give money or gifts to someone so they can do something for you.

e.g. It’s illegal to accept bribes if you are in politics.

Outcast- Someone who did something and is no longer respected.

e.g. When people found out the professor’s book was plagiarized, he became an outcast.

Plagiarism- When you steal someone else’s idea and use it as your own.

e.g. If you get caught for plagiarism you will lose your job at the university

Co-author- When you and a colleague write an article together. Two authors, together.

e.g. My colleague and I co-authored a paper on pulmonary exercise.

Interest Rate- The percentage you are given back when you put money in a bank account.

e.g. The interest rate today is not very high, so people don’t want to deposit their money.