VIP Class Notes (George)


Think about the difference between patriots and nationalists.


Bamboo-  (zhuzi) a type of plant in China that has many uses.

e.g. I love to eat baby bamboo, it is so tender.

Customize- when you make something exactly like you want it.

e.g I hired a carpenter to customize a dining table for me.

Dye- Something that you use to change the color of something. (Can be used as a noun and a verb)

e.g. I dyed my armchair yellow because I didn’t like the old color.

Floating floor- A kind of floor that is easy to install, kind of like fake wood.

e.g. It was too expensive to take out the tile floor so we installed a floating floor.

Porcelain or Ceramic- A type of material we use to make cups, plates, and tiles.

e.g. If you drop a porcelain tea cup, it will break into many pieces.

Protesters- people who don’t agree with something that the government or other company/group did and are making a lot of  “noise” about it.

Criminal- a person who commits crimes, who does bad things.

e.g. The criminal escaped from the police and went to live in Vietnam.

Patriot- Someone who loves and wants to serve their country.

e.g.  Lei Feng was one of China’s most famous patriots.