VIP Class Notes (George) [W]


Vaccine- A kind of medication that protects  you from disease.

e.g. Animals need vaccines so they don’t get sick.

Microchip-  A tiny metal object that has information on it.

e.g. My bank card has a microchip in it, so I need to use a password.

Veterinarian (Vet)- Is what we call animal doctors.

e.g. When your cat gets sick, you have to bring him to the vet.

Expire- When something is no longer good or valid,

Expiry Date-  The day or time something expires

e.g. The milk in the fridge has expired, the expiry date was last week.

Rotten- When something has gone bad, it is no longer good.

e.g. The vegetables that we forgot outside are rotten.

Spine-  The main bone in your body that runs down your back.

e.g. Yoga is very good for your spine because it helps to loosen it.

Flexibility/Flexible- To be able to stretch and reach farther

e.g. After one year of yoga, I am much more flexible.

Poses- Movements we do during yoga.

e.g. I usually do 25 poses during my yoga class.

Weight lifting (Anaerobic exercise  wu yang)- To lift some heavy weights

e.g. Some men like to do weight lifting right before summer time.

Cardio (Aerobic exercise you yang)  Exercise that makes your heart beat faster

e.g. Swimming is my favorite type of cardio.

Injury- When you get hurt doing something-

e.g. When I was doing yoga last night, I stretched too far and injured myself.

Minimalist- When there are very few things or decorations

e.g. My favorite kind of design is Japanese minimalism.


Insurance card

Writing exercise


I’m an interior designer, but I think I’m not a true designer in some means. I work in a product company as a showroom designer, and all I touch is about one type of interior design. For me it’s hard to judge the interior design level of China, but I’m interesting in this area and watched a lot of design works of all the world. Through this I feel I prefer overseas design. Chinese design sometimes decorate too much, and give you a flamboyant or too angular feelings. Sometimes the design is not base on the people, but just show something, like showing how rich the master are. There are two main reasons for this result. The first is our country’s designer haven’t a good level, they can’t lead the customer, the second reason is our country’s customers haven’t good taste, and sometimes they can’t understand the meaning of design, and they just interfere the design according to their preferences. But with the development of internet, we can easily see the good design of the whole world, that also give Chinese designers a lot of reference of design. I also see a lot of good design in China are from Chinese designers, that’s a great progress.


I’m an interior designer, but I think I’m not a true designer in some ways. I work in a product company as a showroom designer, and all I am usually involved in is one type of interior design. For me it’s hard to judge the interior design level of China, but I’m interested in this area and watch a lot of design works all around the world. Through this I feel I prefer overseas design. Chinese design sometimes decorates too much, and gives you a flamboyant or too angular feeling. Sometimes the design is not based on the people, but rather just to show something, like showing how rich the master is. There are two main reasons for this result. The first is our country’s designers don’t have a good level, they can’t lead the customer, the second reason is our country’s customers don’t have good taste, and sometimes they can’t understand the meaning of design, and they just interfere with the design according to their preferences. But with the development of the internet, we can easily see some examples of good design in the world, that also gives Chinese designers a lot of reference for design. I also see a lot of good design in China that is coming from Chinese designers, and that’s a sign of great progress.