VIP Class Notes (George)




Dedicated- When you feel really strong about something  and work very hard to do it.

e.g. My son is a very dedicated student, he studies for 3 hours every night.

Facilities-  A building or structure that is used for a specific reason or purpose.

e.g. My university has many great facilities like a swimming pool, 2 libraries, and a very big dining hall.

Exam- Test.

e.g. Yesterday I had my TOEFL exam.

Material Incentives- Something that makes us want to do something,  something external that motivates us.

e.g. My company offered me material incentives if I agreed to move to Japan.

Crucial/Essential- Something that is very important and must be done.

e.g. It is essential that you make sure the chicken is fully cooked, otherwise you might get sick.

Emotions/Emotional- Feelings

e.g. I don’t like sad movies because I get too emotional (meaning I feel too many strong emotions.)

Corporate Culture- How people in a corporation act on a daily basis (qiye wenhua)

e.g. My company corporate culture is pretty laid back, they don’t mind if we come in late and leave early as long as all the work is done.

Ascend/Descend- Go up /go down

e.g. I ascended to the top of the mountain and then I descended back to the village.

Committed/Commitment-  (cheng nuo) Something that keeps your focus and attention

e.g. I am committed to getting a promotion this year.
