VIP Class Notes (George) [S]



Guten Tag (formal): Good day (formal)

Hallo: Hello (informal)

Bitte: Please

Bitteschön: You’re welcome

Dankeschön: Thank you

Danke: Thanks

Auf Wiedersehen: Goodbye (formal)

Tschüss: Bye (informal)

Ja: Yes

Nein: No

Entschuldigung: Excuse me / sorry

nein problem: No problem

Guten Morgen: Good morning

Guten Abend: Good evening

Prost: Cheers

Wie geht’s: How are you? (informal)

Wie heißen Sie? What is your name?

Ich heiße…: My name is….

Ich komme aus…: I come from…

Sprechen Sie Englisch? Do you speak English?

Wie viel Kostet das? How much does that cost?

Wo ist die Toilette? Where is the toilet?

Ich verstehe nicht: I don’t understand.

Ich hatte gern…: I would like to have…

Ich möchte bezahlen: I would like the check, please.

Können Sie mir helfen? Can you help me?

Deutschland ist wunderschön: Germany is a wonderful country.

Mein Deutsch ist schlect: My German is bad.


Alcohol- (jiu) a kind of liquid that will make you drunk if you drink it.

e.g. I don’t drink alcohol during the week, only on weekends.

Immigration- The part in the airport where you have to show your passport and get approval/permission to enter the country.

e.g. I always pass immigration without a problem, but last month, they stopped me because they saw too many stamps on my passport.

Customs- The place in the airport that checks what you are bringing in and out of the country.

e.g. It’s illegal to bring drugs into China. If they stop you at customs, you will go to jail.


Declare means you have something to say

Tobacco- The dry plant that we put inside cigarettes.

e.g. I like the smell of fresh tobacco, but I don’t like to smoke.

Cigarette- The thing many people smoke.

e.g. In China, many men smoke cigarettes.

Purpose- The reason you’re doing something

e.g. My purpose of going to Amsterdam is to smoke weed.

Currency- Money

e.g. China’s currency is RMB, Germany’s is Euro.

Giethoorn- (yangjiaocun ) A city in Holland

Holland- (he lan) haw-lend


What’s the purpose of your visit/stay?

How long do you intend to stay in X?

What will you do during your stay/What’s your plan/What’s your itinerary?

Do you intend on returning to China after your visit?

Who are you traveling with?/Are you traveling alone?

Are you bringing in more than 10 000 (ten thousand) Euro/currency above 10 000?

Do you have any tobacco products with you today?

Are you bringing any alcohol with you?

Did you bring any fruits or vegetables along from China?

Speaking exercise


Monday I will go to  Germany, I want to know how can I talk with the officer who manage the immigration. I want to know which questions he will ask me. I never been in other countries so I don’t know what he will ask me. So I want to know more about the situation.


Monday I will go to  Germany, I want to know how can I talk to the immigration officer. I want to know which questions he will ask me. I have never been to another other country before so I don’t know what he will ask me. I want to know more about the situation.

Writing exercise


Next week, I will go to travel. That’s my first travel which go out of China. When I was a student in university, I wanted to visit Camp Nou. I wanted to see a football match in Barca’s home court. I have a friend who want to visit Bayern Munich’s home court. It is surprise that I will go to Allianz Arena next week, not Camp Nou. I think I will take a lot of photos and share it to my friend.


Next week, I will go travelling. This is the first time I will go out of China. When I was a student in university, I wanted to visit Camp Nou. I wanted to see a football match in Barca’s home court. I have a friend who wanted to visit Bayern Munich’s home court. It is surprising that I will go to Allianz Arena next week, not Camp Nou. I think I will take a lot of photos and share them with my friend.