VIP Class Notes (George)


Write an email listing your demands from your previous employer and what you will do if they do not agree to them.


Expenses- Money you have to spend for something,living or business.

e.g. Our business’ expenses are too high because we’re in Jing An district.

Reimbursements- When money is given to you for something that you paid for for someone.

e.g. My company reimburses my living expenses, meaning my food and apartment.

Severance- the money a company owes you after you have worked there for more than X years.

e.g. After I quit my company, they refused to give me my severance pay.

Blackmail- When you make you someone do something you want and threaten them if they don’t do it.

e.g.  Politicians often get blackmailed by people who have scandalous material about them, pictures, voice recordings, etc.

Turn-over rate- How often employees get hired and quit.

e.g. The turn-over rate in the hotel industry is quite high.


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