VIP Class Notes (Dimple)


Matilda: Page 1


lecture – an educational class

blister – what you get on your foot when you walk too much, or if you are burnt

disgusting – gross, dirty, not likable, e xin de

revolting – disgusting

far -> further -> furthest 远,更远,最远

blind – can’t see

blinded – made blind by something

adoration – love

convince – to make someone believe

wonder – v. 好奇

i.e. I wonder if I could have chocolate for snacks.

wander – v. walk around without a purpose

curious – adj. 有好奇心的

vocabulary deep dive:

  1. “it’s” v.s. “its”

“It’s” is short for “it is”. i.e. It is a tree.

“Its…” is something that belongs to “it”. i.e. I have a dog. Its color is black and white.

2. “wonder” v.s. “want to know”

“wonder” has a softer tone. It feels more like questioning.

“want to know” has a sense of order. It could feel like you’re requesting an answer.

3. “associate” v.s. “sales assotiate”

“associate” is a verb, to link something with. i.e. Pandas are often associated with cuteness.

In “sales associate”, “associate” is similar to “assistant”. i.e. We are looking for a sales associate.

Speaking exercise

Because I don’t think it’s life is not math, there’s no right or wrong.