VIP Class Notes (Dimple)


Susan likes to eat apples. She likes to eat big red apples. She likes to wear a blue hat. She wears a big blue hat on her head. She wears a hat and eats an apple. She drinks some water from a white cup. Susan drinks water and eats apples. She doesn’t cut the apple with a knife. A knife is sharp. She just eats the apple. She holds the apple in her hand. She bites into the apple with her teeth. She licks her lips. She drinks more water. She wipes her mouth with her hand.


revisit last class’s vocabulary:

when 什么时候

second 第二个

introduce 介绍

tense 时态

will 将要

new words:

steak 牛排

different – not the same as, 不同的

parent 父母,家长

grandparent 外公,外婆,爷爷,奶奶

know 知道

I don’t know. 我不知道

beside 除了…之外

be careful 小心!

sharp 锋利的

bite into..  大口咬 (pronounciation tip: 张大嘴 to bite, so it’s pronounced with /ai/)

lick 舔(pronounciation tip: don’t have to 张大嘴 to lick, so it’s pronounced with /i/)

lips 嘴唇 <–> mouth 嘴巴

wipe 擦拭

burp 打嗝

recite 背诵

antique 古老的东西,古董

scared 害怕的

skull 头骨,骷髅头


I eats ate a breakfast. The breakfast was bread, milk. Lunch is steak. I don’t know what I will do after class. I am in three third grade.


pls see the explaination for “bite” and “lick”


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Recite all the words from today’s class. Write a sentence with each word, try to use “will” in each sentences.