VIP Class Notes (David) [S]


Finish watching the Putin Interviews.

Speaking exercise

Interesting job but bad industry. Because all the communication in industry is transferred to media platform side.

The core product of the advertising company is creative work. Which means TV commercial, video, billboard, is the core output of the advertising company. But digital media rise rose up quickly and they have a very strong capability to create interesting content. They have the resources to spread this content to the precise content audience. One stop service from content to end target.

Every advertising company is facing great pressure because of this situation. Now we transfer our business into integrated service direction which include strategical strategic plan. iQiyi plan can be a tactical tactic but not the whole plan for 3-5 years, we focus on long-term communication strategy.


client – cli-ent

automobile – auto-mo-beel (emphasis on the last syllable)






measurable – meh-jzur-uh-bull

problem –

Definitely – deh-fih-nit-lee

pressure –


lisp – a speech impediment where someone slurs sounds made with the tongue.

fulfill – a feeling of accomplishment or fullness

ex: My amazing job is very fulfilling.

preoccupied – to already be taken up by something else.

ex: Even while driving, my mind was preoccupied with work.