VIP Class Notes (David) [S]

Speaking exercise

This days I play Total War -> These days, I play Total War.

That kind is not very much -> There is not very much of that kind. (When speaking) “That kind, there is not very much.”

I think all of them is OK -> I think all of them are OK.

Total War is different to other one is the war is different. It’s not turn based, the war is not turn based but after war is turn based. -> Total War is different than other ones/games. The battles/fights are not turn based, but afterwards/after the battles it is turn based.

Total War make a long war in a short time, so you can pause and set every unit to something. You can pause it first, because the war is long time stuff, but in Warcraft it’s different, all the real-time stuff, you control every unit.

This days I am listening podcast, it is podcast which describe the history of World of Warcraft, it is very interesting. The most interesting thing is I can learn about some boss and never know who it is. For example Ulduar all the boss except the last one is the made by Titans. Different boss have different Titans power, when I hear about that I start to know who are them. The World of Warcraft history is a very big story, it’s a long story, it cross a lot years. But the player just in very very short of them. -> These days, I am listening to a podcast. It is a podcast which describes… I can learn about some boss and I never knew who it was.

I can in the first of the list. -> I can be first on the list.


it – short “i” sound – ih-t

set – short “e” sound – s-eh-t

These – long ‘E’ sound – th-ee-se

kind – long I sound – k-AI-nd

version – VER-zjun

university – make the V very sharp

list – short ‘I’ sound

raid – r-AY-d

boss – b-AH-ss


region – an area/place

ex: The expansion was released in other regions before China.

team menbers – use members over partners when there is more than 2 people in the group.

bidding – when you can buy something by saying a higher price than someone else

mount – a general word to describe the thing that you ride on, esp. in WoW.


Other – after “other,” always use a plural noun

ex: Other times, other people, other things, other games.

listen – almost always, you will say listen “to” something

ex: Listen to the song, listening to music, listened to me talk.