VIP Class Notes (David) [S]


Prepare an answer to the following TOEFL speaking prompt. Record your oral answer, and type it verbatim afterwards. Correct your answer for mistakes, and submit both the original answer and the corrected answer. Bring the recording to class as well.

Prompt: Your friend’s brother has begun spending time with a group of people that your friend thinks may not be very good people. He wants to talk with his brother but does not know what to say. What advice would you give him?

Speaking exercise

I want to get an offer from a university that I know for a long time. -> That I have known for a long time. -> From a university that I have heard of.

say a long sentences -> say long sentences

no one was there -> no one is there

I haven’t know your name -> I haven’t been told your name -> I don’t know your name.

TOEFL prompts

If one of my foreign friends asks me about the suggestion to study in China, I will say, “Please learn some Chinese before you come here, and when you have some difficulties, don’t be shy to ask.” To study in another country requires you ability to communicate with others, so Chinese is necessary for living and study. And I know some people are shy to ask for help, especially in some country, the culture of independence dominates, but if a foreign students comes to China most of the people will be glad to help, just speak out your problem and Chinese are very warm-hearted to lend a hand. With sufficient Chinese knowledge and open heart I think you will have a very smooth and happy experience in China.

If one of my foreign friends asks me about his idea to study in China [If one of my foreign friends asks me for my suggestion about how to have a better experience studying in China.] If one of my foreign friends asks me for my suggestion about studying in China. I have two suggestions for my friend who wants to study in China.

Don’t to be too shy to ask.

To study in another country requires you to have the ability to communicate with others, so Chinese is necessary for living and studying.

Especially in some countries where the culture of independence dominates.

However, if a foreign student comes…

Just raise your problem, and you will find the Chinese are warm-hearted and happy to lend a hand.

With sufficient Chinese knowledge and an open heart

My advice would be seize the chance and work hard to learn what people can learn in this new position. When she gathered enough experience in this new position, she would have chance to look for other opportunities, and get rid of the position which she doesn’t like. Of course it’s also her choice to quit the job immediately, but she will miss opportunity to improve her position in career, which will be a great help in looking for a new job. And this promotion also offered better pay, which can improve her living condition for the coming several years. It is also a shame to give it up. So accept the new position and use it as a ladder to a new job in the future, will be a more practical choice for her.

My advice would be this: [to] seize the chance and work hard to learn what people can learn in this new position. When/after she gathers enough experience in this new position, she will have the chance to apply/look for other opportunities, at which point, she can get rid of the position she doesn’t like.

but/however she will miss the/this opportunity to improve/advance her career.

Furthermore/Additionally/What’s more, this promotion also offers better pay, which can improve her living condition for [the coming]/[several] years.

It is also a shame to give the promotion up. (don’t use a pronoun when the antecedent is not clear.)