VIP Class Notes (David) [W]


1. Write an email pretending that I am a friend you have not spoken to in 3 years. Tell me some of the important things that have happened to you since we last spoke.


I choose Kelsey. -> I chose Kelsey. (get used to using past tense)

Writing exercise

Dear Nicholas,

This email is in relation to the homework you left me last class.

The email is in regards to homework you left me last class.

Currently, I am working on a clinical research on a drug used for treatment of heart failure.

Currently, I am working on clinical research on/for a drug used for the treatment of heart failure.

Usually I will have to travel to other city to monitor the trial quality.

Usually, I will have to travel to other cities to monitor the trial quality. (After “other”, always use a plural noun)

Today, I stayed at office to handle some work, this is relaxing.

Today, I stayed at the office to handle some work. This was relaxing.

Today, I stayed at the office to handle some work, which was relaxing.

When I came to office today, the first thing I need to do is to write an email to help desk to reflect one thing that I cannot find one patient in a system, usually, when site randomized a patient this patient number will occur in this system but what is strange is patient 121098 cannot be found.

When I came to the office today, the first thing I needed to do was to write an email to the help desk about a patient whom I could not find in the system. Usually, when the site randomizes a patient, this/their patient number will appear in the system. However, patient 121098 could not be found.

Then I write one monitoring report, which wasted me nearly one afternoon time, because I need to structure a long sentense to report one serious adverse event late reporting…..

Then, I wrote a monitoring report, which wasted nearly my whole/entire afternoon. I needed to write a huge/long report because this serious adverse event was not reported sooner/earlier.

Then I must separate one hour time to finish my homework carefully. I first reviewed the class note, then begin to write this email…

Now I am waiting work is over and to attend english class.

Best regards

Kelsey Qian


vowel – the letters a,e,i,o,u (sometimes y) are vowels

consonant – any letter that is not a vowel

exception – when a rule doesn’t work or doesn’t apply

ex: English can be very frustrating to learn because there are many exceptions to the rules.

frustrating – to get upset about not being able to do something or not being able to do it well

cutting in line –  插队

to the point – direct and succinct (short) about the topic

ex: Let’s get straight to the point – discuss immediately the important thing

nuance – small details

ex: I love her artwork because of all the small nuances that she paints.

plural – more than one

singular – just one


choose/chose – ch-oo-z; ch-Oh-z

when a word has a consonant/vowel/consonant/e combination, the vowel is usually a long sound, and the e is silent.

ex: race; plate; wrote; bike;